Thinking Out Loud

11:45 AM

Well, summer is in full swing here at Emberly!
Sadly, the gardens did not make it to the place I wanted them to be. Gardening around here could really be quite the full time job. I think it will take a few years to get this landscaping thing where it needs to be. Our lawn is full of rocks and broken pieces of brick which has made weeding and gardening that much more strenuous but the wild weeds in the garden are still beautiful and I am learning to love what others may throw away. Life is wild.

I am quite the busy bee currenty running three businesses and preparing for a NEW job in the fall :o

I don't think that I have the full okay yet to announce my new job officially but all I can say is that a dream is coming true for me, and I am gonna need a WHOLE lot of Valor But in all things, God is faithful. I am amazed really at this opportunity and the goodness that is unfolding. Life takes unexpected turns and lately I am thankful I was open for a more adventurous ride. I think I got in line for the craziest roller coaster in the

Yesterday while exploring with clients during an engagement session, we ended up heading up what seemed like a dead end country road only to find such beautiful, awe-inspiring views at the top of some rolling hills. I felt like it was such a picture for life - that you've got to explore and go down the paths that you are curious about, even if you don't know if anything will come of it, just to see what's there. And you could be amazed at what you find.

Life is always amazing me. Even with the finding of Dundalk, and then ultimately Emberly: we were driving through Dundalk on the way home from a wedding that I wasn't even supposed to be at. On a whim last minute I decided to ask if I could do video for the couple for free to get some practice in just because I was curious to know if I liked video and wanted to maybe pursue that (cause you know, I need more work on the go...) Anyway, as we headed home from that wedding, Scott looked at the town sign and said "Dundalk...why don't we move here!?!" I laughed and we just kept driving, but 8 months later we were picking up the keys to our house and now, nearly 2 years after that initial drive through town, we are also housing 4 of our best friends and soon to be ANOTHER. What is life? I thought by the age of 28 that maybe I'd be housing my own children but instead God has allowed us to make a home for people who need it, and that has been a very cool adventure.

I am thankful that if you are open to adventure, adventure comes knocking. You don't need to anxiously worry about this or that but rather just be open to what life has for you and say yes to hard work and opportunities that may seem insignificant to you at the time. If you have an itch to try something, TRY it. You never know what could come of your curiosity and interest. I rest and trust that God has everything held together in His hands. I don't need to anxiously chase Him either...I no longer feel the constant frustration of a mad struggle to know Him and to know His will. His will is peace. His will is trust. His will is following the wind where it may blow. His will isn't doing nothing, it's doing something. Something worth while, something loving, something that takes sacrifice and stretches you, but something that makes you feel alive. In the somethings, you find His will.

This is my something. A lovely old home with my hard working and passionate husband, 2 beautiful and crazy dogs who are my companions during my days here alone, and 4 wonderful friends as company when any of us need it. We drink coffee and have such meaningful and deep conversation. We adventure together, all splurge on sushi on a whim when the craving hits, and support eachother through life's ups and downs. There are struggles, but we struggle together and never alone. Living in community has been such an enriching experience.

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