Essential Oils
I first discovered essential oils in April of 2015 when I was beginning to get serious about holistic living and alternative methods and spent a LOT of time researching natural health and following a lot of natural living blogs. I suffered from endometriosis, migraines, and a lot of hormonal imbalance and knew I was either going to be on a handful of meds indefinitely or that I needed to take back my health and find some hope!
Through my research, I kept coming back to essential oils. I knew a girl in my church who loved oils, so I messaged her and asked if she thought oils would help me and my issues. She was positive they would so I took the leap and bought my first blend: Peace and Calming. The first time I remember using the blend was when I was hosting a bridal shower. I get a lot of anxiety about planning stuff, and can tend to be a perfectionist if I am not careful. I was worried about being too high strung and acting all crazy at the shower, so I brought P&C with me. My friends noticed a difference immediately. I was the MOST chill. After that, I used P&C for a job interview that was a BIG deal to me...a scenario that of course was very nerve wracking. As I sat on the bench to wait to be called in to the office, I literally was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. I didn't feel a weird heavy feeling like I was drugged or anything...I just felt super chill. The interview went great...I felt so comfortable and myself, and I got the job!
From there, I knew these oils were more than meets the eye....these are powerful little bottles! About a month later, I finally decided to invest in the full Premium Starter Kit which came with 11 oils and a home diffuser and I hit the ground running, finding soooo many ways to use the oils for myself and my hubby and our friends and family. I have eliminated ALL toxic cleaning chemicals and skin care products from our home, we don't use candles or synthetic scented fragrances, don't need Febreeze or other aerosal sprays, and have made ZERO trips to the store for any over the counter meds in over a year. I also have not had a cough, cold, flu, or sore throat in over a year. So at first glance, the kit can seem a little pricey, but when I compare all that I no longer need to buy...the amount I save is insane! No matter the need, it's so true that “there’s an oil for that.”
Straight up - my love for essential oils has quickly turned into a business, much to my surprise! I am not someone who was looking to start up another business...and definitely never thought I would enter into the world of network marketing or natural health care products. I am an extremely honest person...sometimes to the point that I can be a bit blunt. I have a hard time sugar coating stuff. So for me to step up and want to sell a product, you better believe that product truly is a game changer! I am continually hearing amazing stories from friends who are so stoked about what their EO’s have done for them which is just so enriching to me. I love hearing those stories and knowing I was able to help someone with a need they have. Above all jobs or roles I could play in life, helping people and making a difference in their lives is always my main goal. Young Living has given me another opportunity to do that, and I am so grateful! On top of that, I love the company and what they stand for. They themselves aim to make a difference in the world, with tons of charitable efforts and supports available when crisis hits different countries. They recently reached out to support those affected by the Fort McMurray forest fires, but they also do a lot of work in third world countries. Young Living uses essential oils as pesticides/insect repellents and therefore offer "above organic" oils. They are farmed all over the world and go through strict testing to ensure the highest quality. Unlike other essential oil companies, they oversee the whole process from planting the seed in the ground to sealing and labelling the bottles. Young Living doesn't just buy oils off of distillers that are already bottled as most essential oil companies do - they go the distance to over see every step, which I LOVE.
If you are interested in trying out some essential oils, I recommend getting the Premium Starter Kit! A little goes a long way…and since these oils don’t expire, investing in a good kit up front will not go to waste! The oils in the kit all have different uses and many compliment each other so you can make some awesome blends and play around with what scents you love most! If you have any questions about what each oil does, shoot me an e-mail or comment below, or even try Google! There is a lot of info on the web. Just search something like "Young Living Peppermint Essential Oil" and check out Google images.
I would love to help you get started and see your wellness journey reach new levels with essential oils.
If you are ready to get your kit, scroll down and click the link below to head over to the Young Living site and sign up today. It will be shipped right to your door without hassle. And on top of that, after signing up, you will automatically join a team of amazing people who use essential oils and have tons of resources and advice available to you! Wherever you are at in your natural health journey...our team is made up of all personalities and interest and would love to have you join us.
Step 1: Click here to enroll and order the kit
Step 2: Make sure you choose “Member” so you receive the 24% discount. Remember it doesn’t lock you in or commit you to anything. I promise!
Step 3: Make sure my member number {2900129} is in the Sponsor ID and Enroller ID fields (they should be if you used the link in Step 1).
Step 4: Click “Next”.
Step 5: Select your Premium Starter Kit with Dewdrop Diffuser (either on the Essential Rewards program to earn back points on your purchase and qualify for the month's freebies or just regular purchase). You can also purchase a Ningxia Red supplement kit, or customize your own Essential Rewards monthly autoship purchase. Most people start with their Premium Starter Kit with the 11 oils and diffuser and go from there! I highly suggest purchasing it on Essential Rewards though, under Option 2, which you can cancel for free at any time but starts earning you back freebies right away!
Step 6: Click "Next"
Step 7: Fill in your personal information.
Step 8: Create a username, password and PIN. Remember to write these down as you’ll need them to log in again to check on the status of your order or place future orders. You’ll also need the PIN if you ever have a need to contact customer service.
Step 9: Select your tax information choice. Canadians, you do not need to enter your SIN at this time. This can be added at a later date, should you decide to pursue an income with Young Living. If you already plan to pursue an income, enter your SIN at this time to avoid sending it in later.
Step 10: Agree to the terms and conditions. Nothing scary here but read through it so you understand everything! Some notable one is that you can not create multiple accounts for the same person, and married couples cannot create separate accounts.
Step 11: Click "Agree and continue."
Step 12: Select your desired shipping method.
Step 13: Enter your billing information.
Step 14: Click “Next”
Step 15: Confirm your purchases. Add any additional oils if you desire and that’s it!
Step 16: You are officially a part of the Young Living community! Congrats!! Can't wait for you to get started. I’ll shoot you an email or message and let you know about some things you can do while you’re waiting for your kit to arrive and make sure you’re connected with some great resources to help you learn so you will get the most out of your essential oils!