Liv the Christmas Tree

12:38 PM

It was the most ironic day when we had to saw Liv the Christmas Tree into a pile of pieces to fit her dried out corpse into our green bin. She was a beautiful tree we cut down at Drysdales Tree Farm one non-snowy, abnormally warm December afternoon. After painstakingly searching for what felt like days, Scott finally spotted her and the Heavens shone down their approval. We drove her home with pride, atop our SUV, and cherished her all the more after doing a side of the road rescue when she nearly fell to her premature highway death. She will always be remembered as the first real tree Scott and I have ever had, as well as the first Emberly tree. I forgot to post any photos of her, so here she is all of her 9 ft glory. She decked our living room with boughs of Balsam Fir and our floors with needles of the same kind. She was pleasing to all of our senses, especially to Milo's tastebuds. Our first Christmas tree will forever "Liv" on in our hearts.

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